

24 May: Macro Cycles & Market Timing


In the newest installment of technical articles, this article discusses many of my secrets on market timing & how to specifically improve the accuracy of your charts to better predict potential market turns. Also, I share many of my lessons learned over the years to help avoid any pitfalls by releasing a few new rules to help keep you out of trouble! All the content in this technical article has now been added to Chapter 1 as well (just without the introduction & conclusion sections). Lots more content coming soon!


04 Jan: ChartsCoach V3.0 Largest Platform Update Now Live!

ChartsCoach V3.0 Largest Platform Update Yet! Dozens of Improvements!

ChartsCoach is now officially entering its 3rd calendar year and improving at its fastest pace in its history!  Over the past 2 full years the platform has improved leaps & bounds all due to your continued constructive feedback.  I appreciate ALL feedback, both positive & constructive.  I have tried to implement virtually every single suggestion, the only ones that weren’t incorporated were ones not yet technologically feasible (at least not with an elegant solution yet). However, fear not! I will do my best to apply all your suggests so PLEASE be sure to comment & respond with both positive & negative in the comments section below after you read everything (a massive update this time but worthwhile to read in order to familiarize yourself with over a ten new features & improvements!

All of the Platform Upgrades/Improvements listed below:

– New Dow Jones Components Live Price Screener for ALL DOW 30 stocks (on multiple pages)
– New Top 20 SP500 Component live price stock grid by market-tap on SPX post pages
– New Top 20 Nasdaq Components live price stock grid by market-tap on COMPQ post pages
– New “Active” Movers Section for newsworthy stocks of the day on HomePage
– New Macro US Equity Markets Stock Screener (with over 100+ filters)!!
– New “Ken Burns” zoom effect on most page/post headers (and homepage too)
– New Forex Info Bar on top of all 12 currency pages
– New Precious Metals spot-close price bar on all metals pages!
– All Unique new footer thumbnails on “most recent posts” section of the footer (easier navigation)
– Updated Main Menu drop down lists to show almost all asset classes
– Moved HYG to Bonds Section on Main Menu as well (more logical)
– Lots of various speed / performance enhancements to improve the site navigation

PLEASE PROVIDE YOUR FEEDBACK & opinions of the upgrades performed in the comments section of this post. MORE IMPORTANTLY, please provide constructive inputs as to NEW features you would like to incorporate into the platform, as well as, other improvements you would like to see! Your Opinion Matters! Please comment at bottom of the post (Click Read More)…


11 Dec: New ChartsCoach Improvements v2.2 – Options Calculators!

New ChartsCoach v2.2 Major Platform Enhancements! New Options Calculators!

ChartsCoach continues its unrelenting pace by implementing one of the biggest new value-adds to the entire platform: Calculators!! The New Calculator page has been added to the main menu & platform as of this morning. Initially, a basic “Trade Risk/Reward Calc” has been added to the page as a nice initial convenient calculator for you to do basic risk/reward analysis for any standard stock shares or ETF shares to get an ideal of just how much of a % move a stock/ETF shares may move in one direction or the other. You can input either the daily 50MA supports or 13MA weekly as your downside targets & your Upper BB as the upper targets as an example and it will automatically calculate not only %s but ALSO dollar amounce and you can even input your rough dollar amount of the trade and it will literally do all the calculations for you in real time automatically right before your eyes interactively!!  

Just a “few” of the improvements performed to the platform over the weekend are provided below:

– New Options Calculators (2 new calcs) Added to the platform!
– Lots of New Calculators Coming Soon! Over 20+ for Options & FANG calculators!
– Newest Chat Plugin v3.0, replaced old one, now saves all conversations & open 24/7
– International members can now chat at your convenience & I will respond 1st thing next day
– New Sub-Menu choices added for much faster navigation directly to desired rows
– Move Crypto to underneath Commodities section to make room for new Macro section!
– New Macro Investments sections coming soon which will revolutionize the platform!
– Even more speed enhancements & behind the scenes upgrades as well!

Please provide your honest feedback & opinions of the upgrades performed in the comments section of this post. MORE IMPORTANTLY, please provide constructive inputs as to NEW features you would like to incorporate into the platform, as well as, other improvements you would like to see! Your Opinion Matters! Please comment at bottom of the post (Click Read More)…


01 Sep: New ChartsCoach v2.0 Upgrade Now Complete!!

New ChartsCoach v2.0 Platform Upgrade Now Completed!!

ChartsCoach is celebrating its 1-Year Anniversary this week!!  Hard to believe that just one year ago this entire journey started.  For those who have been with the platform with Day 1, I cannot thank you enough for your loyalty & continued support throughout the initial growing pains of the platform.  Looking back I cannot believe how much the platform has transformed over the past 12 months.  The early few months faced lots of technical challenges & glitches, and I appreciate your patience through that process as I rapidly tried to improve the platform tirelessly day after day based on the informative constructive feedback you provided every step along the way.   Over the past three weeks, a massive suite of improvements & changes has been implemented based on all your feedback & preferences.  Now the transition to ChartsCoach v2.0 is complete!   

Just a “few” of the improvements performed to the platform over the weekend are provided below:

– New Stock Intraday Chart Widget Feature (top of stocks main directory page)
– 6 New Sector ETFs Added: XLC, XLP, XLY, XRT, BRK, DGT
– Sector-by-Sector Top 10 Holdings Breakdown Analysis (by weight)
– New “Recent Macro Charts on Home Page”
– New Audio Podcast Coming Soon!
– Dozens of speed enhancements & behind the scenes upgrades as well

Please provide your honest feedback & opinions of the upgrades performed in the comments section of this post. MORE IMPORTANTLY, please provide constructive inputs as to NEW features you would like to incorporate into the platform, as well as, other improvements you would like to see! Your Opinion Matters! Please comment at bottom of the post (Click Read More)…


21 Jul: Implied Volatility & Options Decay

Implied Volatility, Options Pricing & Options Decay!

This month’s brand new technical article covers one of the most asked about topics in Trading! I finally reveal how I was able to predict the Bottom on Gold at 1162, Top on NG @ 4.93, VIX top 75+, and more all down to within a 24-48 hour window with precision accuracy. You will now have the tools necessary to be able to spot these key market inflection points as they happen in real-time!. Furthermore, Options Profitability Formulas & more are included in the technical article as well (Contents also added to Chapter 4 as well, but read the technical article as it has special Introduction & Conclusion not included in Chapter 4 additions. Article covers:

– Volatility
– Implied Volatility
– 3 Factors of Options Pricing
– Basic & Advanced Options Profitability Formulas
– Using Implied Volatility at Market Extremes
– Options Table Signals (using actual real TSLA options chain as an example)
– OPEX Monthly Cycles and how/why they matter
– Comprehensive Strategies to Spot Tops & Bottoms


10 Jul: Largest Platform Upgrade Ever!!


The biggest platform overhaul since the inception of ChartsCoach launched last Fall! This was a BIG one. Over 100+ pages had to be upgraded, manually programmed, and improved throughout every single section of the platform. It was no easy feat, (especially considering it was all done over one single weekend), but I worked tirelessly to implement all of the amazing constructive feedback that each & every one of you provided. Trust me when I say I really do listen to every single piece of feedback you provide me (so PLEASE be sure to provide it in the comments section below. Some of these changes, were suggested months ago but no such technical solution existed at the time, but I strived tirelessly to discover solutions that would solve all of your needs on the platform. Just a “few” of the improvements performed to the platform over the weekend are provided below:

– New Interactive Crypto Widget on Crypto Page (vastly improved loading speeds & functionality)
– New Economic Events Calendar (now fully customizable & cleaner aesthetically)
– New Forex Currency Cross Rates & New Color-Coded Heat Map!
– New Individual Stocks Company Profiles + Financial Data Tables
– New Market Ticker Row on Home Page
– New “Coming Soon” Section on Home Page
– Dozens of speed enhancements & behind the scenes upgrades as well

Please provide your honest feedback & opinions of the upgrades performed in the comments section of this post. MORE IMPORTANTLY, please provide constructive inputs as to NEW features you would like to incorporate into the platform, as well as, other improvements you would like to see! Your Opinion Matters! Please comment at bottom of the post (Click Read More)…


17 Jun: Added BANK, EEM, HYM, IWM to Main Menu

Made more improvements to the landing Home Page!

– Added BANK Index dedicated creative timeline page to platform (by request)
– Added BANK Index link to “Index” category of Main Menu
– Added EEM Emerging Market ETF link to “Sector ETF” category of Main Menu
– Added HYG High Yields Bond ETF link to “Sector ETF” category of Main Menu
– Added IWM Small Caps Index ETF link to “Sector ETF” category of Main Menu


07 May: New Custom Charts + Misc Other Charts Feed

After hearing numerous requests to provide a custom chart for every single asset class, a whole new “Custom” page has been added to the Main Menu.  This new comprehensive chart live interactive chart on ChartsCoach platform.   Not only can you enter in virtually 1000s of different assets, stocks, currency-pairs & commodities directly into this chart, you can now fully draw up & annotate the chart with all your own custom lines and features on the chart and take a custom screenshot! New Features:

– New Fully Customized Charts Page!
– Added “Custom” direct link to top Main Menu
– Annotate your charts + save them w/ screen shot (jpg) or share direct link!
– Much more seamless coaching experience with direct back & forth chart sharing
– Added “Others Charts” section to discuss new relevant stocks in the daily news
– New Other Charts on homepage feed & dedicated new sub-page also