
05 Jun: COFFEE

Coffee futures are standardized, exchange-traded contracts in which the contract buyer agrees to take delivery, from the seller, a specific quantity of coffee (eg. 10 tonnes) at a predetermined price on a future delivery date.

05 Jun: COCOA

Cocoa futures are standardized, exchange-traded contracts in which the contract buyer agrees to take delivery, from the seller, a specific quantity of cocoa (eg. 10 tonnes) at a predetermined price on a future delivery date.


03 Oct: Global Forex Parity – NEW Recap Video of Parts 1-7

Recap Video of Parts 1-7 is the most comprehensive recap of the entire Global Forex Parity Journey.  For those who have followed me on Twitter since the beginning this will be a nostalgic journey down memory lane.  For those who are newer to the platform it provides a much needed refresher on every step of the way along with the accurate (and not so accurate) predictions along the way.  It will provide much needed historical context before we entire the most critical period of Global Forex Parity’s thesis:  …. The End Game…


03 Apr: ChartsCoach V4.0 Largest Platform Update Now Live!

ChartsCoach V4.0 Launched!! Please be sure to review all the new features listed below & be sure to comment in the comments section of this platform update post! (Click Read More to open post comments section)

PLATFORM UPGRADES:  Over 200+ Improvements/Upgrades Finally Complete!!
NEW ECON Live Data Additions:  Inflation data, CPI/PMI, Wave Growth, Jobless Claims, Consumer Spending/Savings, New Construction Section (by Category), Plus additional stats & huge speed/performance improvements!
NEW GOV Data Page Additions:  Federal Debt, Tax Receipts/Revenue stats plus more stats, overhaul of the entire page to eliminate laggy/glitchy behavior.  Both now load 90% faster)
NEW FEATURE:  Advanced Housing Data Multi-Chart on Fed Data Page!
NEW FEATURE: Loan Delinquencies section on Fed Econ Data Page!
NEW FEATURE:  Interactive Ratio Charts on ALL Ratio Pages!!
NEW FEATURE:  GOLD vs TLT Ratio Calculator Launched! (Direct Link in Calc Menu)
NEW FEATURE:  Federal Reserve Economic Data Page!! (Data Dropdown Menu)
NEW FEATURE:  GOLD vs BITCOIN Ratio Calculator Launched! (Direct Link in Calc Menu)
NEW FEATURE:  GOLD vs DXY Ratio Calculator Launched! (Direct Link in Calc Menu)
NEW FEATURE:  GOLD vs SILVER Ratio Calculator Launched! (Direct Link in Calc Menu)
NEW FEATURE:  WTI vs DXY Ratio Calculator Launched! (Direct Link in Calc Menu)
NEW FEATURE:  WTI vs GOLD Ratio Calculator Launched! (Direct Link in Calc Menu)
NEW FEATURE:  LIVE INDEX FUTURES for Dow30, SP500 & Nasdaq (on Daily pages)!!
NEW FEATURE:  SP500 Put/Call Ratio (on SPX Daily page)
PLATFORM:  New Gold/Silver Ratio Interactive Ratio page (added to Ratio menu) 
PLATFORM:  New Advanced Stats Sidebar (scrollable) on All Indv Stock Interactive Charts!!
PLATFORM:  New Interactive Charts Sections for All Agricultural Commodities!
PLATFORM:  New Ratios Category in Main Menu (direct access to all ratio charts)
PLATFORM:  New Interactive CPC Realtime Chart! (will still update legacy style too)