
07 Jan: MLPA

MLPA seeks to replicate USA Oil master limited partnerships (MLP) asset class. MLPs have become very popular in recent years for primarily two reasons: (1) required quarterly distributions provide a steady stream of current income, and (2) because they are partnerships, MLPs avoid corporate income taxes at both the federal and state level as the the tax liability is passed through to the individual partners. By generating at least 90% of income from natural resource-based activities such as transportation and storage, an entity can qualify as an MLP

07 Jan: IWM

IWM ETF is one of several offering exposure to the Russell 2000 Index, a widely followed measure of small cap U.S. stocks. Given this investment objective, IWM may be useful in a number of different ways; more active investors may use this fund as a way to establish short-term exposure to a risky asset class when risk tolerance is expected to climb, while IWM can also be appealing as a way of accessing an asset class that should be included in any long-term, buy-and-hold portfolio.

06 Jan: NATGAS

Natural gas futures are the third-largest physical commodity futures contract in the world by volume. Widely used as a national benchmark price for natural gas, which continues to grow as a global and U.S. energy source. An independent, stand-alone commodity.

06 Jan: USD Weekly

DXY is the USD Index which is a basket of currencies of the largest currencies relative to the USD: EUR, GBP, JPY, AUD, CAD and a few smaller others. This collection of currencies makes up the bulk of global currency reserves and is an accurate barometer of the relative performance of the US Dollar.

06 Jan: Copper

Commodity Exchange: At the COMEX—a member of the CME Group—a standard copper futures contract represents 25,000 pounds of copper, while the mini-copper futures represents 12,500 pounds of copper. These contracts trade Sunday-Friday between 6:00 p.m. and 5:15 p.m. (CST). This means investors can make a play for approximately 23 hours every day (there is a 45-minute break period between each day).